Tuesday, January 21, 2003

Who are you: James
Where are you: I live between Austin and Houston Texas
-Montrose (5/06)
What do you do: I write short fiction and poetry
-and creative non-fiction
Yeah right. Can you make any money doing that: No, but I have been published before and will be again.
Hey I also write: That's nice
So what do you really do, like for money: I don't know, I'm always poor.
Do you have a job: Sometimes. I have had a lot of jobs- janitor, graveyard shift convinence store clerk, butcher, tutor, bouncer. Right now I am a substitute teacher.
-writing full time
Do you go to school: I'm in-between schools. I graduated from UofH with a B.A. in Creative Writing. I am awaiting the outcome of my grad school applications.
-went to Sam Houston (it sucked- they DO NOT have a CW program-
no matter what they might try to tell you. )
What will you study in grad school: More of the same, MFA Creative Writing.
-might try again in 07 or 08
How old are you: Younger than my gums, older than my teeth.
Are you single: Do I know you?
Do you smoke: Camel filters
Do you drink: Are you buying?
What is up with the name of your site: Its from WB Yeats poem "The Second Coming."
Why: Read the poem.
What is your favorite book: Crime and Punishment. Earthlight is also good.
Can I read some of your stuff: If you ask.
I have written this poem / story will you look at it: Yes.
Will you offer me any feedback / comments: Do you really want them?
Yes: Okay.
Will you marry me: Are you rich and very accepting of rampant infidelity?
No: We're just not right for each other.
Can I link to you: Yes
Will you link to me: Maybe
Can I use something from your website: Like what?
I dunno, something you wrote: If you approach me with an idea and I like it then yes we might collaborate. However, if you take it upon yourself to steal my work (which is copywrited) I will hunt you in this life and the next. I paid for it in addictions, break-ups, disorders, fist-fights, and hangovers; you didn't.
What type of computer do you use: I dunno.
Can I IM you: I don't know how that works.
-I'm still a neo-ludite